Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!
Cronometro Finish 2011

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Blue Day

Am I beginning to feel the age? Today I've got several sore areas not the least of which is the outside anklebone on my right foot which I struck with a golf ball yesterday. Tried to hit a shot "Craig Stadler" style and the ball went off the toe and struck the bone and deflected dead right. I limped for the last hour and the bone is swelled to the point where touching it with shoes hurts. This am it's better, but I'm not riding, running or walking today.

Besides the ankle my hands are both sore from hitting many balls after Friday's disaster round. First time in months I've hit range balls because of a left hand injury caused by improper swing mechanics caused by over active hands. Knuckle joints are popping and top of left hand is still sore, but not as bad.

My weight routine on Friday included HIGH step ups which put a strain on my knees. So both knees have been a little sore off and on...no serious, no inflammation, just random pain.

During massage yesterday there were several issues found: my back was VERY tight. She beat the crap out of me.... My left hip flexor and top of crest has been tight all week off and on. My IT band was very sore especially on the left side, but on the right as well.

I had some "semi-cramping" in left calf! Lots of this might be from compensating for right ankle...or left hip..

This AM I awoke to a cold sore on my left lip.

Last two nights I stayed up way too late 2-3 am and didn't get enough sleep...although data A was 43 and 25 respectively!

My sinuses are just ok, can smell, but getting lots of crusting.

Today is a complete day of rest. In 3 weeks I'm doing a Duathlon...5 mile trail run plus 17 mile bike ride.