Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!
Cronometro Finish 2011

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Preparing for foot surgery that requires a cast...

Having surgery is easy part. The problems start post hospital stay when arrive at your car door from a wheelchair ride at the hospital.

If the surgery was severe enough to require a cast then the orders are "no load on the operated leg for at least 2 weeks." Once the bone has sufficiently healed the cast will be removed and traded for a protective boot to immobilize the foot. At the end of 6 weeks it will be checked again for healing and after 10 the boot should come off.

Pre-surgery actions required to minimize risk:

1. Follow the hospitals directions. No Motrin/Ibuprofen. No Drepreynl. No Aspirin. Tylenol ok.
2. No food 12 hours ahead of surgery...
3. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and prop up you veins!
4. Get blood work done at least 4 days before...same with other tests.
5. Anti-biotic soap shower the night before and the morning of surgery. Trim toe nails and clean under the nails.
6. Shave the leg before bathing.

Prepare Living Quarters:
1. Avoid going up and down stairs until the cast comes off.
2. Get a cart designed to assist movement (3 wheels). Much safer than crutches or walker.
3. Rent hospital bed, toilet assist/rails, bed tray for meals, reading remotes, etc..
4. Set up room for bed, cart, TV, Games, tray.
5. Set up bathroom with soap, toothbrush/paste, combs, toilet extension or cart with arms for toilet.
6. wear lose fitting clothes to hospital, take a pair of very loose fitting shorts for day of surgery.
7. Rent a ramp for house entrance.
8. Have a pair of crutches for short trips not requiring cart.
9. Near the bed have a bed pan/jar or something for emergencies. Also have a barf jar close by...there won't be any way to sprint to the toilet.
10. Have you pain meds close by and follow directions!
11. Reading material, Ipad, Iphone, extension cords.
12. Laptop table...surge protector.
13. Prepare plastic bag to wrap around cast for bathing purposes.

After you're home:
1. Drink plenty of water
2. Try to move (without pain because pain meds are covering lots of pain.)...get an exercise band for upper body. Roll the shoulders and neck. Self massage to stimulate blood flow to leg...but without pain.
3. Follow rehab instructions.