Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

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Thursday, November 24, 2005

October 2005 Fitness Status

Published October 2005:

Weighed in at 184 (157.5 lean pounds) with 14.4% bodyfat. Up from 178 and 12.9% (155 lean pounds)--(all time low) in May. So I've gained about 2 1/2 pounds of muscle. Lots of hard work to get to this point, but without injury.

Got to 178 by doing 2 workouts per day 3 days per week. Did weights in the morning, lunch, rest, 3 mile run. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays were rest day including 10 mile bike ride. Walking only on Sunday.

Have cut out the 2x's a day during golf season. Only cardio is 10 miles biking 3x week plus resistance training 3x week. Resistance training is about the same as a 10 mile bike, and burns about 650 calories in 1 hour. Plus Golf (walking) 3/4 times a week.

Eating 400/500 calories more per day since June 24th. So adding 1 pound per week is about right. Cherries are in season and are GOOD this year. Plus I'm eating another protein bar or two.

Hopefully, I'm gaining some muscle, but that's tough for a 57 year old to do without injury or much soreness. Once I get near 190, I'll cut my calories back and keep up the exercise to TRY to hold on to my muscle gains!

Update: 12/2009:

[caption id="attachment_6" align="alignleft" width="250" caption="Cypress Point with Tennis Elbow"]Cypress Point with Tennis Elbow[/caption]

Weight 184, BF 14.1%, water 59.5% Biggest change is no tennis elbow..note brace in PICTURE above!

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