Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!
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Monday, December 24, 2007

My last snowman....

posted December 2007

The dogs were having a great time romping in the snow while I watched. Being the type "A" can't stand still for long I started to lob snowballs at them until my arm started to give out. They were having a great time, but always need supervision so not to follow the joggers home. So to make my time "productive" enters Mr. Snowman.

Mr. Snowman began to take shape and although remembering the "method" I had forgotten the effort involved with wet snow. By the time the eyes were placed my snow pants were sweat soaked on the inside. Maybe 200 calories burned including the snowball making (bend over 500 times).

Snowboy lasted a total of two days and melted before Xmas... In a few days we're back to Austin and out of the snow. I can see this as my last snowman.

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