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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Summer Workout Plan 2008

posted Summer 2008

Monday: Spinning followed by 30 minute chest/back or leg workout

Tuesday: Long easy run 50 minutes at 65-75% of max. then golf in afternoon

Wednesday: Spinning or a chest/back or leg workout

Thursday: recovery

Friday: Intervals either spinning or running; then lifting

Saturday: Golf only

Sunday Recovery run in AM golf PM

Not splitting routine and cardio, so the days I spin and lift my calorie burn is around 1000 in about 1 hours 30 minutes.

On lifting days when I don't spin then I do some cardio...court intervals, etc.

Holding weight at 180 and 13-14% bodyfat

Building some strength...not much...mostly maintenance.

Two days of chest/back and one of legs...following week 2 legs and 1 chest. Varying sets/reps/weights each time. 4 sets of 6 heavy; 3 sets of 10 medium; 2 sets of 15 light. Rotating each time.

Chest back supersets:
Pushups regular 15; on medicine ball hard; toes pointed on swiss ball medium
Seated row.

Pushups on the ball: elevated on platform; 65 or 55 mm ball
Pullups on lat pulldown machine.

Curl to press with one leg raised
skull crushers or cable pull downs

Legs superset:

Step ups
Side step ups

One leg squats: hard on bench with weights; easy on floor; medium bench without weights.

Leg curl machine

Hanging leg raises: hard with straight legs; easy 10 knee lift; medium butt lift

Warming up with foam roll...on hard leg days rolling out legs after.

NO cold plunge or hot tub. Yamuna once a week. Massage every 2 weeks.

Eating gluten and dairy free. Soreness is minimal. Left shoulder "pops" when I do curl to press. No back issues.

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