Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!
Cronometro Finish 2011

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Turmeric Benefits

posted fall 2008

Okininawan Centenarians consume ginger, mugwort, and turmeric everyday. These have proven medicinal qualities that help protect against illness.

From Cancer.org: "Animal and laboratory studies have found that curcumin (an antioxidant which is an active ingredient in turmeric) demonstrated some anti-cancer effects."

Curry powder contains Turmeric and is used to season rice, soups, and many other dishes....

From Ladies Home Journal: Curry Powder http://www.lhj.com/recipes/healthy/eating/5-spices-with-health-benefits/

Potential health perk: "Curry safeguards your brain. The yellow curry pigment curcumin may fight Alzheimer's by thwarting development of the disease's signature amyloid brain plaques, says a study. Hot way to dish it: Whisk 1 1/2 teaspoons mild curry powder into mayonnaise to dress up sandwiches."

From the Mayo Clinic site: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/curcumin/AN01741

Curcumin, a substance found in the spice turmeric, has long been used in Asian medicine to treat maladies ranging from heartburn to arthritis. Now some recent research suggests that curcumin may help prevent or treat cancer.

Curcumin is thought to have antioxidant properties, which means it may decrease swelling and inflammation. It's being explored as a cancer treatment because inflammation appears to play a role in cancer.

Lab research suggests that curcumin may slow the spread of cancer and the growth of new tumor blood vessels. It may also cause cancer cells to die. In the lab, curcumin has been studied for use in treating or preventing colon, skin and breast cancers.

At this time, there isn't enough evidence to recommend curcumin for preventing or treating cancer, but research is ongoing. As always, talk with your doctor before using any herbal supplement."

There's absolutely no money in proving that Turmeric (curry) is good for us! So don't look for the EVIDENCE to be presented to the FDA. There's no funding for this project, but hundreds of years of anecdotal evidence supported use in Asia.

Golf Marathon

posted October 2008

Hole #4 one day in the Ocean, other a birdie....

Just back from what can only be described as a golf marathon at Bandon Dunes Golf "Resort" in Bandon, Oregon.

Why "GOLF MARATHON?" We walked up and down sand dunes for over 50 miles in 3 1/2 days. I hit nearly 800 golf balls and swung the club over 1500 times including practice.

In addition, the elements make a hard game that much more difficult. Winds blow non-stop along the coast of Oregon. The marine layer which looks like a fog bank early in the morning before the winds come up, moves like a bullet train in the afternoon when energy from the sun powers the clouds. The mist from the ocean causes glasses to fog up and the greens to become "Tacky" in the words of our caddies.

The wind plays affects the game in so many ways. Wind breakers and pants flap in the wind like an over sized American Flag. The obvious effect is how wind moves the ball while in the air. A slight amount of spin is amplified by the wind. It effects the direction of putts and chip shots. It moves the putter head and causes the the face to open or close. It makes it virtually impossible to hold steady during a swing. The wind amplifies and exaggerates all of the flaws in a persons game. Every mistake is bigger because of the wind. At the same time, a purely struck ball seemed to be exempt from the wind. Pure strikes are rare for the average golfer.

After flying to Portland we made the 4 hour drive to Bandon in time to arrive for a round of golf in the afternoon.

This trip was an awakening for me. I learned to accept the inevitable bad shot based on the wind and the difficulty. I accepted a score that would have been totally unacceptable in the past. I discovered which players I enjoyed and those who I will never travel with again. Life is too short to spend it with selfish people with short tempers. We should enjoy the outdoors, the exercise, and the friendship. For some it was all about the golf and the drinking. That's not for me. It's about friendship and a test of golf.

I never felt so challenged on the golf course. In fact, Bandon doesn't seem like golf. It's some other sport, similar too but unlike any golf I've played. Creativity and local knowledge was never more important in any sport! The course presents many options depending on the shot to be played. Some approaches to the green make it basically impossible to score a par. Others approaches set up easy birdies, while being just off the green presented many options. A short shot could be putted, or lobbed, or chipped, or pitched, or just bumped into the side of the green.

One of the remarkable people I met was my caddie, Dave. He carried my bag, food, water for all 4 days. We traveled the +50 miles over sand and grass from 8 am until 7 pm. The man is 61 years young and was always the first down the fairway leading all of the players and caddies.

The week was too much for 8 of our players. Only 4 of us finished all 7 rounds (126 holes). Some suffered injuries, others didn't pace themselves or got sick. There were many blisters for those not accustomed to exercise at this level. There's nothing like 50 miles of walking to bring out the faults in golf shoes.

For the record I shot, 94, 88, 88, 87, 83, 83, 91. The best round was the 83 at Pacific Dunes and a 39 on the front at Bandon Trails. That round started with 2 birdies. I had two other birdies, but many pars that felt like eagles. Many of the 160 yard par 3's played like 200 yard holes because of the wind.

My handicap is 8 which means I should shoot around 80. Bandon was at least 7 shots harder...maybe 10.

Golf is a challenge at Bandon. It's a game of endurance there. We endured the weather, the company, and the game. Most of all it was a test of endurance for a man nearing 60 years of age. The only person to have been scores didn't play the last round. He had a big lead and didn't need to play. He was also 20 years younger than me. All in all I passed this test.

When did the Open mind die?

posted Summer 2008

Ran into a hornets nest of unhealthy people with closed minds in a couple of Fibromyalgia groups. Several were miffed by the response I received when I tried to post information on the link between inflammation and FM.

Unfortunately, the managers and moderators were quick to accept the accusations that I was "selling" something. Most of the group felt I was a "used car" salesman and the others didn't want to rock the boat.

The following are my words to the manager who made what she called "the difficult decision" to boot me from the group were:

"Much worse than booting me is that you might ROB someone from gaining insight into their condition...THAT is a far worse. IF you delete my posts then you clearly are not open minded. Those posts could and ARE helping at least one person!

Frankly, your group should be ashamed of yourselves. Do you really care about helping people?"

She responded to this with no class. She closed any separate discussion that could have been deemed a defense of my posts. She didn't delete my original posts, but closed them to discussion. People in that group fear being ostracized if they disagree.

Some of the members of this group are in sad shape. They can't work, and can't understand anything accept medication and endless tests.

A closed mind sees nothing, learns nothing. I feel sorry for them.

Time to move on....

The Gut from HELL!

posted Fall 2008

Wow, my gut has been messed up for so long! But I'm getting it back under control....

After years of taking anti-biotics and eating way too much sugar my gut has been severely damaged. I have Celiac disease which means that my body cannot tolerate gluten protein. Gluten and dairy intolerance led to lower intestinal damage which reduces the bodies ability to absorb nutrients. This explains why I eat so much and gain no weight.

The anti-biotics and sugar diet created a GI environment that resulted in High levels of candida fungus near Pathogen and Pathogen levels of bacteria in the GI tract. Pathogen levels are common in people with disease! These bugs are eating many of the nutrients coming from the food I eat! They are depriving me of valuable nutrition. It's no wonder that massive amounts of vitamins helped me feel better!

The bad bacteria such as citrobacter freundii and enterobacter cloacae are overwhelming the good bacteria required for good GI health. The result is nasty bloating and gas not to mention the malnutrition. Calf muscle cramps indicate a shortage of magnesium.

The candida overgrowth causes even more harm because of chronic inflammation. It is a major cause of chronic sinus problems and other inflammation diseases. Rashes, hives, psoriasis, and other skin disorders are often caused by candida overgrowth. Achy joints, fibromyalgia, muscle pain, lack of energy are other causes.

In addition, my body doesn't absorb protein because of the lack of acid in my stomach. Certain acids are required for proper absorption of protein. Protein is the building blocks of muscle. This might explain why I have so much trouble building muscle!

I'm lucky that my cardiovascular system has not been affected. My CRP (c-reactive protein a measure of vascular inflammation) is at the bottom of the scale, which is very good. Many Celiacs with Candida have cardiovascular disease.

All of my blood tests indicate outstanding results because of my healthy habits of exercise and eating right. Without these good habits there's no way of knowing how bad I would feel.

A metabolic specialist who is treating me recommended two approaches...medicine (strong antibiotics...which I now hate) or herbal to treat the bugs and excess fungus in my gut. I chose to go herbal for the moment. I'm feeling great, except for the foul odor! (My wife has to sleep down the hall at times). After about 3 months we should see results.

Here's what I'm taking:

For Candida Overgrowth: Metagenics Candibactin AR and Candibactin BR

For Bad Bacteria: Metagenics Celapro

For Digestion: Metagenics Spectrazyme (enzyme)

Good Bacteria: Metagenics LactoViden and Bifoviden

Supplements to help with nutrient malabsorption: Fish oil, B Complex, Mulitmineral, Glucosamine /Chondroitin, Vit E, Multi-Vitamin, Bromolein, Licorice, Sam-e, and MSM.

The combination of bad bacteria and candida cause elevated levels of toxins in the body. Exercise helps remove toxins. Therefore, exercise is an important part of my treatment.

Things are turning for the better after years of suffering with vertigo, chronic sinus disease, loss of sense of taste and smell, rashes, itchy skin, bloating, gas, joint and muscle aches, and slow healing.