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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

When did the Open mind die?

posted Summer 2008

Ran into a hornets nest of unhealthy people with closed minds in a couple of Fibromyalgia groups. Several were miffed by the response I received when I tried to post information on the link between inflammation and FM.

Unfortunately, the managers and moderators were quick to accept the accusations that I was "selling" something. Most of the group felt I was a "used car" salesman and the others didn't want to rock the boat.

The following are my words to the manager who made what she called "the difficult decision" to boot me from the group were:

"Much worse than booting me is that you might ROB someone from gaining insight into their condition...THAT is a far worse. IF you delete my posts then you clearly are not open minded. Those posts could and ARE helping at least one person!

Frankly, your group should be ashamed of yourselves. Do you really care about helping people?"

She responded to this with no class. She closed any separate discussion that could have been deemed a defense of my posts. She didn't delete my original posts, but closed them to discussion. People in that group fear being ostracized if they disagree.

Some of the members of this group are in sad shape. They can't work, and can't understand anything accept medication and endless tests.

A closed mind sees nothing, learns nothing. I feel sorry for them.

Time to move on....

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