Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

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Monday, August 24, 2009

10,000 calories burned per week

Summer workout schedule:

posted September 2009

For reference I take no prescription medications or pain relievers of any kind. I do take supplements like glucosamine chondroitin, etc. (all I listed in the file section "Rads Supplements)

I'm 60 and here's my workouts this week:

Sunday: Walked/carried clubs 18 holes of golf (1600 calories)
Monday: Spinning Class 45 minutes, Full body weight lifting workout 40 minutes, 18 holes of golf riding in cart
Tuesday: Light 6 mile jog with 3 dogs, Walked/carried clubs 18 holes of golf
Wednesday: Hard 20 mile bike ride averaging 18 MPH, 18 holes of golf riding in cart
Thursday: 60 hard lifting and sprinting workout
Friday: 16 mile easy bike ride; Walked/carried clubs 18 holes of golf
Saturday: Walked/carried clubs 18 holes of golf

Total calories burned: 10,000....which is about the average per week during golf season.

About every 8 weeks I take 4-5 days off...just walking or golfing.

The new paradigm is that seniors don't have to take meds to perform... This is especially true if we take care in the foods we eat and the quality of exercise and rest we get. Much of the muscle soreness I had in the early days has gone away with elimination of things that cause inflammation. The trick is to find out what they are! For me it was dairy and gluten...

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