Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!
Cronometro Finish 2011

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Working with Laura

A PHD physical therapist, trainer, palates and spinning instructor, martial artist, triathlete has moved back to Kalamazoo. I spent 2 hours with her on June 13 to discuss various aches, pains, and injuries.

Her diagnosis: my foot and back issues are mainly posture. I tend to slouch forward putting more pressure on my toes. This explains my massive calves as they and the hip flexors work hard to compensate for weak glutes. My central core is weak versus my lower core. Suggested using weigh machine that pivots side to side. Did this and cause my back some remorse!

She wants me to work the glutes by sitting in a chair and raising up by pushing down through my heels keeping feet width of shoulders. Practice lifting chest and holding for one minute while breathing deep into the diaphram. Strengthen inner thigh by putting yamana ball between legs a squeeze while sitting in chair. Do shoulder stretch per diagram...

Actually found this stretch on line. Supposed to work better than other methods for Costochondritis. Hold stretch for 30 seconds while keeping chin up and taking in deep breaths. Repeat every 1-1 1/2 hours 3 sets per time. Repeat until chest is better.

Also suggested is a crawl keeping feet and hands flat on the ground. This is difficult with my chest and back, but will do later. Suggested a fast walk for cardio...doesn't work on foot.... Says Grade 3 takes 3-6 weeks to heal. I'm on week 3.

She said to do leg presses and hamstring exersises until I can get back on the bike.

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