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Monday, March 24, 2008

Heart Rate Monitoring

posted spring 2008

We've discussed the heart rate question a number of times, but it's always good to see the new material on various internet sites. The information is becoming very good. Plus research is also expanding and being posted on-line.

Here's a site to help you calculate training zones, but it's based on age and resting heart rate.:

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I think this site is a bit conservative, probably due to the potential for legal action against Polar USA.

My maximum calculates at 161. 3 years ago I tested to 167 max. with a VO2 max of 44. Take away a few years and now my max. is around 162...point is that this calculator is pretty good.

Here's another really good site that discusses the age relation to Maximum heart rate (MHR) and suggested levels for athlete's, elite, and by different type of exercise. It's more aggressive, but frankly I think it's on the money.

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I exceed 170 when doing all out anaerobic threshold training... intervals by racing the length of a basketball court 4 times in about 26 seconds then rest 44 seconds and repeat 5 times then rest 3 minutes. That's the toughest cardio workout I try and I only do it about 5 months out of a year for about 25 minutes including rests and warm-ups two days a weeks.

I have no prior history of heart issues. My resting HR is 45, and my recovery time is very good. Today I checked my recovery from 136 in two minutes my HR drops to 72 from 136. From 160 it will drop to 130 within 1 minute. A 20 point drop from peak is average, 25 or better is considered very heart healthy.

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