Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!
Cronometro Finish 2011

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

90 Day Wonders

The Military called them 90 day wonders because during World War II and later wars new recruits were turned from City Slickers to Killing Machines in 90 days of training.  They were in better shape in 90 days, but were at a huge disadvantage when going up against hardened seasoned enemy soldiers.  The truth is that many of them didn't make it or were wounded.

In January most gyms are full with people who make "Resolutions" or who need to work off those extra pounds from the Holidays.  Those armed with realistic goals and a strong support system will succeed.  Those who believe Rome was built in a day will be gone by March.

We had a gal in Spin class on Monday who was lost in a sea of 50 others.  The instructor was overwhelmed by newbies with questions.  There's no way he can handle a group that size.

If a member doesn't ask for help they don't get it.  This poor gal had no idea how to set up the bike.  Normally I just keep my nose out of other peoples business.  It's just rude to "correct" people in the gym.  I could see she was "lost" and asked if she would like some help after explaining that I was an instructor (not at this gym, but I am certified elsewhere).

The Spin instructor ran a killer class..an newbie with health issues would have expired.

This illustrates what goes on all over the country this time of year.  If I wasn't there she could have gotten hurt and would never come back to something that could help her.

Moral of the story: don't be afraid to ask for help no mater your fitness level.

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