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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Sinus Problems

MUCUS Machine...

posted February 2007 update in March

For years I've suffered with chronic sinus disease. For a time I couldn't breathe at all through my nose. If someone covered my mouth I would have suffocated. I developed sleep apnea as a result of the softening of my soft pallet due to constant drainage.

The suffering continued with peaks and valleys despite surgery to fix a deviated septum, 3 surgeries to remove nasal polys, allergy shots, steroid shots, and meds on top of meds (anti-biotics 3-4 x's a year). We spent a fortune on furnace filters, hardwood floors, cleaning and more cleaning. NONE of this allowed me to smell odors or taste foods on a consistent basis. All I could do is breath more clearly and when I "caught a cold" I could not breathe through my nose.

I've been a walking MUCUS machine for years. It's been better as a result of eating healthier, and exercise, but still far from normal.

I'm reading a book called "Sinus Survival." The book is an ALL OUT assault on chronic sinus disease and all of it's players (nasal polyps). After taking the "Candida Assessment" I believe I have a fungal infection which CANNOT be treated with anti-biotics. Before taking seriously dangerous meds like anti-fungal pills I'm going the holistic route.

Some of the symptoms include nasal drainage, muscle aches, tingling in hands, GI problems (bloating, gas, cramps), rashes, etc. I have them all.

Holistic weapons include a low sugar (no refined, very low fruit), low fermentation diet (bread, vinegar, pickles, mustard, yogurt, dairy), no/minimal glutens, saline nasal rinse 2/3 x's per day, exercise, lots of water. Also a series of anti-Candida supplements such as caprylic acid to kill the fungus in the GI and psyllium and bentonite to detox the colon.

I'm already doing the water and exercise and most of the diet, but will have to eliminate things like dairy (yogurt, milk), and gluten carbs (bread, protein bars, potatoes), and severely reduce sugar. Fruit will be the big issue for me, as I crave only fruit and the protein bars, which are the largest sources of fruit for me. Sugar is really rare in primative diets and it helps to maintain the fungus in the GI.which is the cause of my physical symptoms. Products with dairy and gluten also promote the growth of the fungus.

These foods will be reintroduced in 3 weeks, but I'll be have about 3/4 cup of fruit (blueberries and tart cherries) per day and one small apple in the beginning. I've eliminated dairy (soy milk and rice protein only) altogether and reduced glutens (no bars, and one piece of bread for breakfast).

Can eat veggies, nuts (natural peanut butter), lean meat (no reds). This is my punishment for not "liking" veggies as a kid! BUT it's all worth it to be able to breath and sleep normally.

Update: 3/14 Lost 7 pounds last week. NOT happy about that, but I'm feeling good otherwise! Nose is clear...breathing only through nose. Started this anti-Candida diet on Monday. Able to smell, but still rinsing green mucus from nose with saline rinse 2 or 3 times a day. Flonase 1x per day.

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