Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Impact of No Dairy

posted over 2 years ago

Completely recovered from whatever caused me to lose 7 pounds last week. Some of that come from the candida diet....with reduced fruit and no yogurt or cheese. Have upped calorie count eating more eggs, nuts, chicken, veggies. I'm NOT fond of losing weight that fast.....it means I've lost muscle too! But need to do this diet to rid myself of candida fungus and its effects. Will do this until vacation on 3-21 then we'll see results.

Recovery day today after two intense training days. 550 Calories burned, 2508 for 3 days.

Monday did spinning, rest, than plyometrics (medicine ball against wall) then strength. 1100 calories

Tuesday, plyometrics, core strength, rest, then interval training. Heart rate was 174 at maximum with some reserve. I was surprised at that! Did 4 sprints the length of a basketball court and back in about 27 seconds. Goal is 20....the first leg was quick but I was grinding by the 4th leg. Then slow job to get heart rate down to 159 or less then 4 more sprints. Sprint, jog, sprint, jog, sprint...then 3 minute recovery. Do 3 sets of these after 5 minute warm up jog and end with 5 minute warm down. 860 Calories.

Start spinning instruction on Friday with a team teach.

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