Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!
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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hard Work

posted over 2 years ago, updated 7 days later

Monday was a recovery day with a 45 minute walk of the dog then a 1 1/2 hour massage. Top of left iliac crest is sore after 36 holes of golf this weekend.

Tuesday: Full day with a 3 mile run with the dog am, followed by a core routine at the gym...959 calories. Then 18 holes of golf walking with push cart. Ate more food to keep up bodyweight. Daughter calls at 11:30 just before bed with issues that keep me up until 1:30.

Wed: Up at 7 am for a butt kicker....just in case I wasn't tired enough I did spinning for 40 minutes followed immediately by my weight routine....circuit plus 2 supersets...856 calories for 1:30 minutes. This is the most time I'll spend in the gym. 1 hour is usually max, but thought I would push it.

Thursday is a recovery day...light jog 3 miles, bodyrolling, cold/hot plunges.

Friday: AM spinning followed by prehab routine about 900 calories burned in 1 1/2 hours; PM Golf

Saturday: 3 mile run with dog immediately after to the gym for lifting about 875 calories burned.

Sunday: Recovery day 500 calories

Week review spring 2007

posted over 2 years ago

Monday: Massage and dog walk...this is now my rest day
Tuesday: Weights AM; Golf 13 holes pm (rained out)
Wednesday: Ran 3 miles with dog, then prehab workout at the gym. Finished golf match that was delayed. Using Saucony shoes to prevent foot issue from prior weeks. Will work back into the Nike Frees.
Thursday: 45 minute JOG with dog...then body rolling at gym plus tanks.
Friday: Spinning then pre-hab routine with physioball routine.
Saturday: Golf AM; Weights after lunch.
Sunday: 3 mile run with dog.

Weight 181 BF 13.9%

Sinuses: Great...can smell and breath through nose despite the issue of pine tree pollen which is really bad!
Soreness: Minor...R hamstring is ok, back a little tight on right side, both lats sore when rolling on ball
Sleep: Check last night with sleep apnea device... now have mild sleep apnea (10) scale is 5-15 mild; 15-30 moderate (was 20) before. Oxygen levels normal. Great news. Doc says that it's normal to move every 20 minutes or so even in deep sleep.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Sinus Control Diet

posted over 2 years ago


Burrito: Egg White omelette with diced red peppers and smoked turkey on whole wheat tortillas with 1 tbs natural peanut butter spread on tortillas.

1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 tbs natural peanut butter, 5 pecan halves, 1/3 cup blueberries, 1 tbs crushed flaxseeds, chocolate soy milk for cereal.

Lunch: (post workout shake) 3 oz water, 7 oz chocolate Soy milk, one scoop chocolate egg white protein powder, 1/2 cup frozen strawberries, 1/2 cup ice, 1 tbs pumpkin seeds, 1 tbs crushed flaxseeds, 1 tbs flaxseed oil, 5 gr L-glutamine.

Snack: 1/2 green or red pepper, cherry tomatoes, or other fresh veggies, 1 tbs peanut butter, 10 almonds, 10 pecans, 2 hardboiled eggs.

optional snack: 10 almonds, 10 pecans, medium green apple, ThinTastic, Odwalla Super Protein Bar, or similar (no glutens/ reduced sugar)

Dinner: 5-6 oz. of grilled or baked chicken with Bragg Liquid Aminos seasoning spray, 1/4 cup quinoa grain, steamed veggies, 20 pecan halves.

10 pm snack: tuna (packed in water 4 oz), 1/4 diced peppers, 1/2 stick of celery diced, 1 tbs of pumpkin seeds, 6 pecan halves, 1 hardboiled egg, 4 oz of V8 low sodium juice. Dump it all in a soup bowl.

This is about 3200 calories of food which is too much for most people. I average about 800 calories per day in exercise.