Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!
Cronometro Finish 2011

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hard Work

posted over 2 years ago, updated 7 days later

Monday was a recovery day with a 45 minute walk of the dog then a 1 1/2 hour massage. Top of left iliac crest is sore after 36 holes of golf this weekend.

Tuesday: Full day with a 3 mile run with the dog am, followed by a core routine at the gym...959 calories. Then 18 holes of golf walking with push cart. Ate more food to keep up bodyweight. Daughter calls at 11:30 just before bed with issues that keep me up until 1:30.

Wed: Up at 7 am for a butt kicker....just in case I wasn't tired enough I did spinning for 40 minutes followed immediately by my weight routine....circuit plus 2 supersets...856 calories for 1:30 minutes. This is the most time I'll spend in the gym. 1 hour is usually max, but thought I would push it.

Thursday is a recovery day...light jog 3 miles, bodyrolling, cold/hot plunges.

Friday: AM spinning followed by prehab routine about 900 calories burned in 1 1/2 hours; PM Golf

Saturday: 3 mile run with dog immediately after to the gym for lifting about 875 calories burned.

Sunday: Recovery day 500 calories

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