Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Back Revolt

posted spring 2007

After overdoing it with deadlifts in Austin plus leg raises...my back has revolted. Left Austin Thursday with a massage at the airport. Lower left side... quadratus laborum and Iliopsoas. By Friday felt good enough to spin and play golf Sat and Sun. Monday still felt good. But this was the tipping point. Did golf Monday Maintenance routine...lots of core work no weights...by afternoon back was tight but not ouchy. Did basketball 22 44's for 30 minutes total. At home got bad news about leaky windows, so spent a couple of hours bending and stooping to caulk windows. Lower back (middle spin) really ached before, during, and after.

Tuesday Morning...did recovery workout at gym...but too sore to play golf.

Wednesday: Taught spinning class (how could I call in sick for my first class!) massage after. Hurt to raise my leg when laying flat on bench. Massage therapist says, "you have issues." No kidding!


Friday...No lower back pain. Spinning class..very hard set...advanced..697 calories...right side tight. Same pain as Monday but now on the RIGHT SIDE!

Saturday: Rest...missed golf 72 degree day! Doh!

Sunday: Right side on top of pelvic crest, and quadratus laborum very sore.. No golf AGAIN!

So what have I learned....if I overdo it I don't feel it for a couple of days. The secret is doing enough without this pain and aggravation. I haven't found the secret, but at least I'm not out there blowing out a disc.

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