Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

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To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!
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Friday, October 24, 2008

Less of the Gut from Hell...

posted summer 2008

12 Days have passed since starting the supplement regimen and the difference is apparent.

My sinus situation suffered a slight set-back on day 6 with what appeared to be polyps returning. I felt worried that some serious swelling was taking place. Didn't affect my sleep pattern as Data A was above 20.

I changed the timing of the supplements. The Candida killers and Caprio (acid to raise acid levels in gut to kill bad bacteria) are taken with breakfast and afternoon snack. The probiotics taken with my post workout shake and dinner. The reason is that the breakfast group is to kill off the bad stuff and the next group is to reintroduce the good bacteria. Seems counter productive to have them at the same time.

The results are really encouraging. My ............... are looking normal for the first time in forever...with the same diet. Inflammation is MOSTLY down except below. Sinuses are great...only slight amounts of mucus!

I'm sore today from sleeping oddly and from a hard workout two days ago. My body probably needs a little more rest. The issue is my right neck and the pain to the right shoulder blade. Yesterday was worse with some spasms in the right back neck area. Was able to play 9 holes of golf with some restriction of movement. NO Motrin...

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