Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!
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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hip Injury

Last Thursday Left hip was sore.  Took Friday off and on Saturday hip felt fine so I did a 40 mile moderate ride.  On Sunday decided to do an hour "recovery" ride at high cadence (90-110).  On Monday left hip was tight, but I thought I could do my weight routine and some light running.  During my warm up I do some sprints at the end for 20-30 yards.  During the first sprint I felt a sharp pain in my left hip near front/side. (Ilio Soaz?).  So I stopped running.  Tuesday, rolled on ball and foam then tried to run..light jog.  After about 5 minutes I felt a sharp pain and stopped.  I walked/jogged for 3 miles and stopped when ever I felt pain.  Used a heating pad after and in the evening.  Had a few sharp pains when pivoting in the house. 

Wednesday, had a massage and felt tightness all around glute and hip socket.  All of those muscles were trigger points or tight.  Therapist suggested icing 2/3 times before bed.  The hip is tender tonight.

Have been able to sleep, but last few nights using a homopathic cream.  No meds...yet.

So Sunday's race might be a scratch for me.  The weather is sketchy...40% chance of rain which will make the course treacherous.

Update: Sunday Evening 4/18/2010. Decided to skip this one because of hip and sketchy weather. A 3 hour drive didn't sound very appealing. Decided to rest until return to Michigan 4/26/2010. Hip feels good today. Did a 2 mile hill walk without issue. It's a little stiff with some glute hot spots, and a few hot spots on left quad near it and inner top of knee, and along shin and calf of left leg. Recovery is going well. Rolled today for first time since massage on Wednesday.

Update: Monday 4/19/2010: This issue is more serious. Today got a sharp pain when pivoting in the Kitchen.

Update: Tuesday 4/20/2010: Did pool running to reduce impact, did prehab on shoulders and hip exercise.

Update: July 29, 2010. This passed in a few more days. A big help is cross leg glute rolling on foam rolls. Wow that makes a huge difference!

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