Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!
Cronometro Finish 2011

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Enchanted Rock Duathlon

This was a total fun blast except for the hamstring cramps!

Arrived at 6:30 am in the dark.  Dropped off bike along with bag to be stored in transition area.  Parked car and walked about 1/2 back to pavilion and transition area to pick up timing chip and get marked.  Marking is required to get into bike transition area for security.  The marker asked my age and I gave him my bib number 117.  I thought he was serious, but he wrote my age on the back of my calf, and the bib number on top of my hands.  The chip was worn on a Velcro strap around my left ankle.  The chip recorded my times for the 5 mile trail run, transition, 16 mile bike ride, transition, and run to the summit.

After instructions from the race director we were ready to race.  The 5 mile run started at 8:05 am at the pavilion and headed west on the loop trail.  The first few hundred yards were on a narrow trail through a field of prickly pear cactus, bluebonnets, and other wild flowers.  We crossed a rocky stream and then a water bridge and turned left and ran to the restart of the loop trail at the far west end of the parking lot.  The trail increased in elevation and some of the fast starters were already fading at the 1 1/2 mile water station.  The path was wide and gravel coated and fairly consistent.  The scenery was nice but not appreciated because you had to watch where you were going.  The were several uphill and then downhill stretches.  The last 1/2 mile was fairly hazardous with streams, rocks, gravel, and sand.

The transition area was at the top of the steps.  Upon changing equipment and a short snack we entering highway 965 on the other side of a substantial cattle guard.  The bike course was hilly, but relatively smooth with no pot holes and other a couple of distractions.  The cattle guards were a non-issue.  We saw some beautiful and lush Texas cattle country and lots of large black agnus cows, one of which had escaped the pasture and was grazing along side the road.  The out and back course was uneventful except for the view of Enchanted Rock during the last mile or two.  This gave participants the great view of the challenge to come, scale the Rock!

After changing back into running gear we moved to the final stage the 450 1.2 mile climb to the summit.  We retraced the earlier 5 mile run for the first 1/2 mile then it was straight up.  Within minutes of leaving the transition area I fell victim to cramping, in first the left then later the right hamstrings.  This was the result of inadequate hydration.  The cramps cleared up, but the hamstrings remained tight.  The walk up the summit was difficult enough to raise my HR to the highest levels of the race, over 90% of maximum.

At times I didn't think I was going to be able to finish because of the cramps, but made it to the top tired but happy!  The view from the top was awesome as was the feeling of accomplishment.

Finished 64 out of 126; 62 in 5k run, 33 in bike at 18.2 mph, 111th in hill climb

Temp at the start was 50 degrees with 50% humidity; wore underarmour gloves; skull cap; knee warmers, spring/fall socks, Under Armor cold gear crew next gray, my light bike shorts from BAC, Oakley glasses, Nike Free shoes. 
Temp by bike ride was about 60 degrees with 10-20 mph winds from NNW.
Temp at the finish was about 65 degrees sunny but very windy at the top.
Drank a couple of sips of water from the aid stand at the 3 mile mark of the run
At the bike transition area drank one box of Almond chocolate milk, take a mouthful of raisins and almonds.
Had a problem eating the raisins while heart rate is 150+
Drank about 12 oz of water with nuun….
After transition to 1.2 mile finish run my legs felt heavy, then after about 1/4 of a mile my left hamstring muscle cramped up hard.  I had to stop…massage the knot and try to relax.  Got going again after a few minutes but as soon as I started up the path to the summit my RIGHT hamstring cramped.  I sat down on the steps and took off my right knee warmer.  Drank about 10 oz of water and then didn't run after this as the route was a tough climb.  My HR during the walking climb was about 165.
Finished 3rd in my age group.  64th overall out of 126.  62 in the 5 mile run and 33rd on the bike ride averaging 18.2 MPH.  The summit climb rank was 111th.

What Worked:
1. The clothing was perfect.  Wore the light gloves all the way around to protect my hands in case of falls.  Took off skull cap during climb of Rock.  Had little sweat!
2. I never had to pee the entire time, but the cramping because of inadequate fluids wasted more time than stopping to pee!
3. Great event, friendly staff
4. We left the hotel in Fredericksberg by 6 am and got to the park at 6:30.  No congestion.  We could have picked up race packet the day of the race, but did so the day before.
5. Took jacket, vest, and Cold gear crew which didn't need.
6. The course...view of the finish line at the top from the bike course was awesome as was the 5 mile run through native lands.

What didn't Work:

1.  Take off knee warmers after bike ride
2.  Did get hydrated enough the day before.  Pee was very yellow.
3.  Didn't drink enough during the race. 
4.  Didn't sleep well the night before.  Was basically awake from 2:30 am until we got up at 5 am.
5.  Best Western was ok, noisy fan.  Should have stayed at Hampton Inn.
6.  Only consumed 24 oz of fluids before onset of cramps in about 1 1/2 hours of intense exercise.  Needed another 12 oz.
7. Transition times were very slow.  In my group one guy did 55 seconds while it took me 2+ minutes.
8. Need a faster snack and don't eat raisins when HR is plus 150.


  1. Great race! Glad you had fun. I was out there too. Don't assume that cramps occurred due to too little fluid or too little salt, they often just occur when you push a little too hard for your fitness. Its highly unlikely you were dehydrated to the point of cramping in this span of time. Its just that theres this huge hill! =) Just keep training!

  2. Have trained long hours but not at that intensity for 2 hours. I save the all out stuff for races and HIIT. It was just kinda funny that the hamstrings didn't want to make the climb. Also, I've been told that I need to practice that transition from bike to run prior to races. See ya next year!
