Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

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Monday, December 24, 2007

Gluten and Dairy Sensitivity

posted January 2008

"It's recommended that you completely remove dairy and gluten from your diet." HOLY COW! No pun intended... I took the lab test and that's what was found. I'm way over the limits on dairy and gluten reaction. I have celiac disease. Wow....

That is what has caused my sinus problems among other things. Better late than never to have found out. It all makes sense now.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.....

ANOTHER snowman!

posted December 2007

Ok, so that wasn't my "last" snowman....but this one will be for 2007.

My last snowman....

posted December 2007

The dogs were having a great time romping in the snow while I watched. Being the type "A" can't stand still for long I started to lob snowballs at them until my arm started to give out. They were having a great time, but always need supervision so not to follow the joggers home. So to make my time "productive" enters Mr. Snowman.

Mr. Snowman began to take shape and although remembering the "method" I had forgotten the effort involved with wet snow. By the time the eyes were placed my snow pants were sweat soaked on the inside. Maybe 200 calories burned including the snowball making (bend over 500 times).

Snowboy lasted a total of two days and melted before Xmas... In a few days we're back to Austin and out of the snow. I can see this as my last snowman.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Turkey Trot 2007

posted November 2007

Ran a 5 miler in Austin on Thanksgiving. First race in 20 years. This was an endurance workout keeping heart rate below AT. Averaged around 148 with a pace of 8:50. Ran in just under 45 minutes.

The following Saturday did a hilly 5k in just over 8 minute per mile pace. Conditions were terrible....cold rain and 40 degrees. Could have easily gone below 8 minutes on a dry day...(slowed going down hills due to slippery conditions....and had to stop and tie shoe!) Hands were so cold I couldn't tie my shoe at first!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Results of Healthy Eating and Exercise

posted October 2007

Participated in Free Wellness Screening at our gym. Free is a senior's favorite word. The results were encouraging:

Age: 58
BMI 23.5
Waist/Hip Ratio: .86 (Under .95 best for men)
Waist: 31"
Weight: 178
Height: 6' 2 3/4"
Sitting heart rate: 56
Blood Pressure: 100/58
Triglycerides: <45 (so low the machine couldn't read)
Total Cholesterol: 171
HDL: 84
LDL: no reading (too low again)
TC/HDL ratio: 2.0 (below 4 is desirable for men)
Glucose: 88

Lowest blood sugar ever. This was 133 before I started my fitness and healthy eating.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Sinus Update

posted October 2007

Around September 4th I developed a sore throat followed by severe sinus drainage...clear liquid almost like water. In the following days the throat cleared up with some chloreseptic help, but the nose drainage persisted. On one afternoon at Jamestown Virginia I used one box of Kleenex. Also, my handkerchief was totally soaked, but NO yellow or green ONLY water like! NON-Stop drip. Need to say had trouble sleeping. Hotel in Williamsburg was old and musty...lost sense of smell....basement meetings were in a cold room. We moved after one night in motel to a Hampton Inn. Felt so rotten that I missed the farewell dinner...sneezing and runny nose. Took only lozenge for throat.

Eventually, the drippy nose turned into a full blown sinus infection including the usual swelling and thick sticky discharge. Sense of smell was gone in a few days and taste has diminished.

A couple of nights I woke at 2-3 in the morning and felt like I was suffocating. So I used a temporary relief nasal spray PLUS resumed Flonase. The spray gave IMMEDIATE relief but shouldn't be used past 2 weeks. I thought if I could get sleep plus open the sinuses and use the saline rinse (sinucleanse) that EVENTUALLY the problem would subside. The 12 hour relief (one spray in each nostril) lasted for about 15 hours. Stepped up the sinucleanse rinse to 3 or 4 times a day.

The culprit may be the Candida fungus triggered by the amount of sugar I had been eating. Couple that with an old hotel and problems happen. I was also eating 2-3 odwella bars per day PLUS a couple of cups of sweet cherries on top of my other fruit (shake and breakfast). BBQ was creeping back into my diet. Also, this is ragweed season (nearing an end now).

Notices some other symptoms, clear bubble sore on my lower lip, and muscle soreness.

In any case, I'm back on the NO sugar diet...UGH which means minimal fruit...not after 1 pm. About 1/4 cup of fresh blueberries and 3/4 cup of frozen strawberries for lunch (shake) is it. I'm going to cut out sweetened soy milk...going to plain start tomorrow. Trying some non-gluten grains/chips and almond/cashew butter.

It's been 2 days without meds and without most sugar...also using 2 drops of grapefruit seed extract in my 8 oz of saline rinse (8 oz. per side now!). The results are no smell, no taste, but reduced congestions (ie can breath with mouth shut). Can smell only during hard exercise.

Continuing my fitness routine. Burning between 4000-5000 calories per week.

October 18th: Been on this diet for a week with some success, but still no sense of smell and little taste. The diet sucks...but not breathing sucks more! Cut out meds except the saline rinse 1-3x's a day. Rattles in the nose, and light yellow mucus, light green in the AM. Resting better some nights.

November 29, 2007 update: Feeling great...can smell and taste since 10-31. Sinu-cleanse in the morning produces a small amount of mucosa. Last several days have been 8 on a scale of 10. Sleeping with mouth open, but during the day breathing through nose.

Sleeping great with average data A around 23 minutes. Only one day in last 23 below 20 minutes.

sinus update fall 2007

posted over 2 years ago

Incredibly busy with new dog and travel. Cut back workouts to 1-2 lifts per week, 1-2 core sessions, 1-2 spinning, 1-2 running, plus the usual 3-4 rounds of golf per week.

Caught some nasty virus OR had a reaction to sour cream added to peanut soup. In any case lots of drainage, worse since starting new diet last February. Unable to smell MOST odors, but NOT totally blocked. Had a sore throat followed by runny nose (1 box of Kleenex in ONE afternoon.)

One more week of serious golf then back to off season routine.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Just a great time


posted August 2007

The most legal fun I've EVER had...pulling 2 g's in a ZO6 Corvette. HOLD ON BABY!

Quadraus Laborem

posted summer 2007

Back was tight this morning, pain on top of right illiac crest...with tenderness in QL. The same "injury" as last year prior to Ireland. I ran for 50 minutes and all was ok..i.e. no pain. Now tonight the sucker is just "ouchy" I suspect will have trouble sleeping.

Saturday played golf early, lunch, then off to the gym for lifting routine...15 reps lower weight. NO PAIN just very tired by the end and NO COLD TANK (out of order)!

Off day tomorrow with massage...hope it helps!

Summer Maintenance Routine

posted Summer 2007

Been pleased with the lack of injuries and maintaining of fitness and strength this summer. Bodyweight is 180, BF is 12.8% as of last night.

Here' my Summer routine:

Tuesday: 35 minute running interval (3-4 intervals 1 minute max effort, 1 minute HR around 159, 1 minute max, 1 minute 159, 1 minute max) with dog. Then 3 minute recovery to 65% of max HR. Also includes 5 minutes "foaming" legs, 5 minute warm up (light jog) and 5 warm down (HR around 130).

Drive to gym to do full active warm-up all exercises (10 min) followed by elasticity (6 min) then hip, core, shoulder prehab routine (15 mins), and finally Plyoball routine (lateral shoulder roll, russian twists, crunches with 45 weight, leg tuck, one leg one arm alternating off then on ball, reverse crunch, leg lifts reverse, hip raises, side extensions with ball). Then hot cold plunge for 5 sets 1 minute in each.

Afternoon golf 18 or 27 holes...walking.

Total calories burned over 1500.

Wednesday: Spinning class or running for 40 minutes as a "brisk" pace around 85% of max. HR. Do warmups and elasticity drills then lift weights: Supersets pushups on plyoball (vary each time between plyoball, medicine ball, slow, raised leg on top of other) then immediately One leg dead lifts, 2nd Superset: Pullups and lunges.

Total calories burned: Over 800

Thursday: Recover day 45-50 easy (65% of max) jog with dog then off to gym for Yamuna, stretching, and hot/cold plunces. Calories burned around 600.

Friday: Interval work in Spin Class followed by Tuesday rountine....exactly the same. Golf in the afternoon every other Friday. Total calories burned about 1500

Saturday: Foam roll to warm up then Golf early. Weights in the afternoon: Superset 1 push up variations then rowing. Superset 2 One leg row then hanging leg raises.

Vary each session with 2 sets 15 reps, 3 sets 10 reps, 4 sets 5 reps...increasing the weight.

Throughout the summer I'm not increasing the weight! The goal is maintain the muscle and fitness from the spring NOT to grow!

Total calories burned around 1200

Sunday: Recovery without the gym. foam roll, 45-50 minute light jog, stretch at home, then off to golf.

1000 calories burned.

Monday: REST. light yard work, massage every other Monday.

Added 10-11-07: Every 4-5 weeks add in a couple of extra rest days.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Still going strong

posted Summer 2007

Feeling really great for the most part.

Taught two spinning classes this week as a sub. Both programs with anaerobic threshold training. First class found the teacher cramping up (right calf), which was major embarassing! I was slightly dehydrated from a busy Tuesday.

Monday: Massage after 50 minute walk.
Tuesday: Ran 3 miles brisk pace, off to gym for pre-hab routine, back home for a protein shake and 18 holes of golf walking followed by a 9 hole scramble. Long day with lots of sun and 850 calories burned without golf.
Wednesday: Taught spinning 40 minutes of interval training...cramped at the end. Recovered and lifted for 40 minutes for a total of 875 calories
Thursday: Recovery day with 4 mile SLOW jog with dog. 620 calories burned...no time for gym off to dentist for 2 hour ordeal that made 4 mile run easy!
Friday: Taught spinning same anaerobic threshold training with no cramps this time! Then did the prehab and physioball routine. Total of 953 calories burned. Cold plunge, hot tub then home for a quick shake then 18 holes of golf.

Last week in Texas ran hills of Austin and one day at Lifetime Fitness 183 & 620...great facility. Only one day of lifting, lots of walking and no Anaerobic training. REST IS GOOD!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Back Revolt

posted spring 2007

After overdoing it with deadlifts in Austin plus leg raises...my back has revolted. Left Austin Thursday with a massage at the airport. Lower left side... quadratus laborum and Iliopsoas. By Friday felt good enough to spin and play golf Sat and Sun. Monday still felt good. But this was the tipping point. Did golf Monday Maintenance routine...lots of core work no weights...by afternoon back was tight but not ouchy. Did basketball 22 44's for 30 minutes total. At home got bad news about leaky windows, so spent a couple of hours bending and stooping to caulk windows. Lower back (middle spin) really ached before, during, and after.

Tuesday Morning...did recovery workout at gym...but too sore to play golf.

Wednesday: Taught spinning class (how could I call in sick for my first class!) massage after. Hurt to raise my leg when laying flat on bench. Massage therapist says, "you have issues." No kidding!


Friday...No lower back pain. Spinning class..very hard set...advanced..697 calories...right side tight. Same pain as Monday but now on the RIGHT SIDE!

Saturday: Rest...missed golf 72 degree day! Doh!

Sunday: Right side on top of pelvic crest, and quadratus laborum very sore.. No golf AGAIN!

So what have I learned....if I overdo it I don't feel it for a couple of days. The secret is doing enough without this pain and aggravation. I haven't found the secret, but at least I'm not out there blowing out a disc.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hard Work

posted over 2 years ago, updated 7 days later

Monday was a recovery day with a 45 minute walk of the dog then a 1 1/2 hour massage. Top of left iliac crest is sore after 36 holes of golf this weekend.

Tuesday: Full day with a 3 mile run with the dog am, followed by a core routine at the gym...959 calories. Then 18 holes of golf walking with push cart. Ate more food to keep up bodyweight. Daughter calls at 11:30 just before bed with issues that keep me up until 1:30.

Wed: Up at 7 am for a butt kicker....just in case I wasn't tired enough I did spinning for 40 minutes followed immediately by my weight routine....circuit plus 2 supersets...856 calories for 1:30 minutes. This is the most time I'll spend in the gym. 1 hour is usually max, but thought I would push it.

Thursday is a recovery day...light jog 3 miles, bodyrolling, cold/hot plunges.

Friday: AM spinning followed by prehab routine about 900 calories burned in 1 1/2 hours; PM Golf

Saturday: 3 mile run with dog immediately after to the gym for lifting about 875 calories burned.

Sunday: Recovery day 500 calories

Week review spring 2007

posted over 2 years ago

Monday: Massage and dog walk...this is now my rest day
Tuesday: Weights AM; Golf 13 holes pm (rained out)
Wednesday: Ran 3 miles with dog, then prehab workout at the gym. Finished golf match that was delayed. Using Saucony shoes to prevent foot issue from prior weeks. Will work back into the Nike Frees.
Thursday: 45 minute JOG with dog...then body rolling at gym plus tanks.
Friday: Spinning then pre-hab routine with physioball routine.
Saturday: Golf AM; Weights after lunch.
Sunday: 3 mile run with dog.

Weight 181 BF 13.9%

Sinuses: Great...can smell and breath through nose despite the issue of pine tree pollen which is really bad!
Soreness: Minor...R hamstring is ok, back a little tight on right side, both lats sore when rolling on ball
Sleep: Check last night with sleep apnea device... now have mild sleep apnea (10) scale is 5-15 mild; 15-30 moderate (was 20) before. Oxygen levels normal. Great news. Doc says that it's normal to move every 20 minutes or so even in deep sleep.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Sinus Control Diet

posted over 2 years ago


Burrito: Egg White omelette with diced red peppers and smoked turkey on whole wheat tortillas with 1 tbs natural peanut butter spread on tortillas.

1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 tbs natural peanut butter, 5 pecan halves, 1/3 cup blueberries, 1 tbs crushed flaxseeds, chocolate soy milk for cereal.

Lunch: (post workout shake) 3 oz water, 7 oz chocolate Soy milk, one scoop chocolate egg white protein powder, 1/2 cup frozen strawberries, 1/2 cup ice, 1 tbs pumpkin seeds, 1 tbs crushed flaxseeds, 1 tbs flaxseed oil, 5 gr L-glutamine.

Snack: 1/2 green or red pepper, cherry tomatoes, or other fresh veggies, 1 tbs peanut butter, 10 almonds, 10 pecans, 2 hardboiled eggs.

optional snack: 10 almonds, 10 pecans, medium green apple, ThinTastic, Odwalla Super Protein Bar, or similar (no glutens/ reduced sugar)

Dinner: 5-6 oz. of grilled or baked chicken with Bragg Liquid Aminos seasoning spray, 1/4 cup quinoa grain, steamed veggies, 20 pecan halves.

10 pm snack: tuna (packed in water 4 oz), 1/4 diced peppers, 1/2 stick of celery diced, 1 tbs of pumpkin seeds, 6 pecan halves, 1 hardboiled egg, 4 oz of V8 low sodium juice. Dump it all in a soup bowl.

This is about 3200 calories of food which is too much for most people. I average about 800 calories per day in exercise.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sinus Survival

SINUS Update

posted over 2 years ago

Read the book "Sinus Survival" and started the food type elimination diet based on the likelihood of a Candida type fungus infection. Also listened to a lecture by a Doctor about the Metabolic clinic at local Hospital. The diet consists of NO dairy, no fruit, no processed sugar, no bread, no vinegar, no tofu.

I modified to eat about 1 1/2 servings of fruit (breakfast and lunch only). Took out tofu from Tuna. No DAIRY at all.

Beside the diet, I did sinus rinse (sinu cleanse) 3 times a day with one bottle PER nostril. After about 10 days my sense of smell returned and after 14 days the mucus is clear (NO green stuff!) This indicates all infection is gone. I can breath through my nose only, although when I run I cannot breath through my nose totally...ie. can't get enough air.

This is a huge improvement. NOT happy with the diet though. I will try to introduce more fruit in another week, and perhaps some gluten.

The Metabolic doctor said that dairy is usually the problem for chronic sinus sufferers.

Currently taking only my supplements, no meds, and rinsing with one bottle am and pm. After rinse, holding head upside down to allow drainage...surprising how much water collects in lower sinus passages!

Overall, this is huge for me.....

5472 Calories Burned

posted over 2 years ago

Final week of phase 2 of golf. Hard week but no issues. Ran 2x's intervals on basketball court 4x length of court at full speed, then 1 minutes job, sprint, jog, sprint, then 3 minute recovery...did 3 sets plus 5 minute warm up and warm down. Spinning 2x's both intermediate. Did medicine ball routines.

Nose is clearing up on non-dairy diet. Adding about 2 servings of fruit per day. Weight 183.6 and 14.5% BF.

Left hip flexor issue goes away with running plus a little more stretching AFTER exercise.

Monday, March 12, 2007

It's a Boy!

posted March 2007

Grandson of RAD my first!

No junk food for this boy....he will live a healthy lifestyle if I have anything to say about it! At least he will learn good eating and exercise from me...not so sure about his other Grandfather!

12/2009 note: Other Grandfather had a stroke and died October of 2008.  I am convinced it was his diet and lack of exercise which most contributed.  Sad thing is that he is missing two wonderful children.

Thursday, March 1, 2007


posted over spring 2006

AM: Strength and Power with Medicine ball and core training....367 calories

PM: 532 calories in 31 zone minutes. Anaerobic Thresh Hold training....got heart rate up to 174 by sprint length of basketball court 4 times....and then holding around 159 for 1 minute...sprint....then 159 for minute...sprint followed by 3 minute recovery down to 137. Did 3 sets of these plus 5 minute warm up and warm down....

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Impact of No Dairy

posted over 2 years ago

Completely recovered from whatever caused me to lose 7 pounds last week. Some of that come from the candida diet....with reduced fruit and no yogurt or cheese. Have upped calorie count eating more eggs, nuts, chicken, veggies. I'm NOT fond of losing weight that fast.....it means I've lost muscle too! But need to do this diet to rid myself of candida fungus and its effects. Will do this until vacation on 3-21 then we'll see results.

Recovery day today after two intense training days. 550 Calories burned, 2508 for 3 days.

Monday did spinning, rest, than plyometrics (medicine ball against wall) then strength. 1100 calories

Tuesday, plyometrics, core strength, rest, then interval training. Heart rate was 174 at maximum with some reserve. I was surprised at that! Did 4 sprints the length of a basketball court and back in about 27 seconds. Goal is 20....the first leg was quick but I was grinding by the 4th leg. Then slow job to get heart rate down to 159 or less then 4 more sprints. Sprint, jog, sprint, jog, sprint...then 3 minute recovery. Do 3 sets of these after 5 minute warm up jog and end with 5 minute warm down. 860 Calories.

Start spinning instruction on Friday with a team teach.


posted over 2 years ago

Total calories burned: 1367

AM spinning: 669 calories in 40 minutes.

Woke up with slight headache....isolated to right side of face behind r'eye and above right eye. Considered not working out, but had no fever and otherwise felt good. Spinning teacher kicked out butts...I even sat down towards the end and still burned 669 calories! Felt good to work out after 1 week off the bike.

PM core workout: 698 calories in 1 hour...surprised by this total since the heaviest weight was 10lbs!....warm-up 6 mins., plyometrics (hopping, sprints, jump to sprint, swing 10 lb weight), Medicine ball throws, core training...did push-ups on a 4 and 5 kilogram ball (one hand on one ball and the other hand on the other ball). Finally, balanced on swiss ball on knees and did forearm and then wrist exercises....

Going to feel this tomorrow...

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Sinus Problems

MUCUS Machine...

posted February 2007 update in March

For years I've suffered with chronic sinus disease. For a time I couldn't breathe at all through my nose. If someone covered my mouth I would have suffocated. I developed sleep apnea as a result of the softening of my soft pallet due to constant drainage.

The suffering continued with peaks and valleys despite surgery to fix a deviated septum, 3 surgeries to remove nasal polys, allergy shots, steroid shots, and meds on top of meds (anti-biotics 3-4 x's a year). We spent a fortune on furnace filters, hardwood floors, cleaning and more cleaning. NONE of this allowed me to smell odors or taste foods on a consistent basis. All I could do is breath more clearly and when I "caught a cold" I could not breathe through my nose.

I've been a walking MUCUS machine for years. It's been better as a result of eating healthier, and exercise, but still far from normal.

I'm reading a book called "Sinus Survival." The book is an ALL OUT assault on chronic sinus disease and all of it's players (nasal polyps). After taking the "Candida Assessment" I believe I have a fungal infection which CANNOT be treated with anti-biotics. Before taking seriously dangerous meds like anti-fungal pills I'm going the holistic route.

Some of the symptoms include nasal drainage, muscle aches, tingling in hands, GI problems (bloating, gas, cramps), rashes, etc. I have them all.

Holistic weapons include a low sugar (no refined, very low fruit), low fermentation diet (bread, vinegar, pickles, mustard, yogurt, dairy), no/minimal glutens, saline nasal rinse 2/3 x's per day, exercise, lots of water. Also a series of anti-Candida supplements such as caprylic acid to kill the fungus in the GI and psyllium and bentonite to detox the colon.

I'm already doing the water and exercise and most of the diet, but will have to eliminate things like dairy (yogurt, milk), and gluten carbs (bread, protein bars, potatoes), and severely reduce sugar. Fruit will be the big issue for me, as I crave only fruit and the protein bars, which are the largest sources of fruit for me. Sugar is really rare in primative diets and it helps to maintain the fungus in the GI.which is the cause of my physical symptoms. Products with dairy and gluten also promote the growth of the fungus.

These foods will be reintroduced in 3 weeks, but I'll be have about 3/4 cup of fruit (blueberries and tart cherries) per day and one small apple in the beginning. I've eliminated dairy (soy milk and rice protein only) altogether and reduced glutens (no bars, and one piece of bread for breakfast).

Can eat veggies, nuts (natural peanut butter), lean meat (no reds). This is my punishment for not "liking" veggies as a kid! BUT it's all worth it to be able to breath and sleep normally.

Update: 3/14 Lost 7 pounds last week. NOT happy about that, but I'm feeling good otherwise! Nose is clear...breathing only through nose. Started this anti-Candida diet on Monday. Able to smell, but still rinsing green mucus from nose with saline rinse 2 or 3 times a day. Flonase 1x per day.

Monday, January 15, 2007


posted spring 2006

If it isn't one thing then it's food poisoning! Woke up several times with stomach issues Thurs am. Slept for nearly 14 hours. HR was elevated to 88 (normal would be 56) just sitting up in bed, but didn't check temp until 7 pm and it was 96.7. Very achy, but not acting like the flu (no high temp). Cancelled massage...damn! No spinning on Friday. Just hanging out. Will try again on Monday......

Rinsing sinuses 2-3x's a day with saline. Still some infection there