Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

6 months gluten and 17 months dairy free

posted summer 2008

Making great progress, but still have some issues. Most of which are related to Candida, but some absorption issues.

1. don't react to bug bites other than little bumps (in the past I got huge bumps then bruises followed for several days).
2. sense of smell is returning
3. aches and pains are 90% reduced
4. No longer get rashes or itchy breakouts after taking a warm shower.
5. Reduced sleep apnea (from moderate to mild)
6. Only one calf and no foot cramps since December.

Being retested to establish if there are improvements in nutrient absorption.

Still showing signs of candida overgrowth....hives, reaction to sulfates, and stomach issues such as nasty gas.

Overall, improvement is 100% better quality of life!

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