Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Phase 6 Aches update

posted March 2007

Since last post:

Monday: Spinning AM; Chest/Back/Core routine PM
Tuesday: Combined Legs/Cardio
Wednesday: Recovery
Thursday: Combined Chest/Back/Cardio
Friday: Spinning AM; Legs PM
Sat: Recovery

Totals about 4500 calories burned in the week.

My weight and strength have increased. Bodyfat staying around 14.5%. Last weight 186.6.

Dead lift one time 270 lbs. (did 10 reps of 190 x 3 sets)
One arm row: 65 x 6
Push ups: 15 quality x 3 sets
Pull ups: 3 sets of 3 plus 160 lb. on lat pull down machine.

Aches and pains inventory:
1. L. hip is ok now that I cut back on the running on Tues and Thurs. AND stopping the contra one arm one leg row (do on bench)
2. R. knee a little tight. Could be the new nike Frees...Was fine on Tues after slight injury doing deadlifts on Friday. Tweaked it again and felt nothing until Thursday am. May have been after walking 45 minutes with Nike Frees.
3. Nose still congested...can't smell much...99% gone. :-(
4. R. & L elbow tender after massage therapist put extra pressure after chest/back workout. Got to watch that!
5. Both quads are tight and small muscles around r knee are tight. Not unusual 48 hours after leg workout!
6. Not sleeping that well. Pain not the issue, the nose is.....Data A averaging around 20 mins. the last 8 days after an 8 day run of 26 minutes....
7. Looking forward to rest after next Thursday.

Didn't do cold plunge on Wednesday. Thought being that the cold could aggravate the nose. Didn't notice much difference in congestion. Muscles are a bit more sore on Thursday.

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