Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!

To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!
Cronometro Finish 2011

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Recovery status

posted over 2 years ago

Feeling sore today....perhaps it's the lack of cold/hot tub therapy. Left Ilio Soaz is acting up causing some issues with lower left back. Pectoral muscles are tight as well leading to some left elbow discomfort. Did trigger point therapy on Ilios and pecs which relieves the elbow but and some relief to back.

Used NIKE FREEs on my "jog" yesterday. But knees are fine.

Adaptation at work. Hopefully, will be ready to roll tomorrow!

It's amazing how sore I get from basically throwing a medicine ball against the wall, floor, and at the ceiling!

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