Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

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To be a rookie, a newbie at anything is to live for!
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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sinus Problem Gone

posted April 2007

For almost one month I was beginning to doubt my sinuses would improve. I desperately used Afrin nasal spray, flonase, and finally antihistamines to get rid of what started as a minor sore thoat and ended up as chronic inflammation and sinus congestion. I couldn't breath out of my nose. I couldn't smell the worst odors, and I couldn't taste much of anything. It was depressing!

I had not used anti-histamines in almost 3 years!

I floss my teeth with a mint floss. I could NOT taste the mint.

Finally after a week of anti-histimines and flonase my nose started to clear. All the while I had been using "sinu rinse" to "FLUSH" the mucuss from my nose. The "material" was greenish crap that seemed to have no end!

NOW I can smell and taste again 99.9% without anti-biotics which is the VERY first thing the Doc would have prescribed. I continue to "rinse" my nose 2-3 times a day, but have stopped all meds.

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