Enchanted Rock Extreme Duathlon

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Spring 2007 Fitness Status

posted over 2 years ago

Near the end of phase 6. Burned about 4500 calories on the week.

My weight is up about 6 pounds from last fall. Bodyfat is the same. Strength is up slightly as well. I'm going to be ready to cut some fat in about 4 weeks. Will cut my calories by 500 per day to lose a pound per week. I feel better at 180 than 186. So it will take me about 6 weeks of plyometrics, reduced calories, plus lighter weights and cardio to drop the weight in time for golf season.

Aches and pain inventory:

1. Left hip is fine after trigger point therapy last week...this despite a PR of 270 lbs. dead lift and one legged squats on unstable bench (touch heal to ground plus using 5 lb. weights in both hands. great glute exercise....forces the glutes to engage!) This is awesome for me!

2. Left elbow tight (golfers elbow), but again the trigger point on the pectoral muscles helps. Doing 12 pushups on the ball 3 sets, plus seperate weighted pushups or elevated pushups for chest. This is followed by pullup, which I've managed to boost to 4 sets of 3. This routine is tough on the elbows and wrists considering the very next day I do the heavy deadlifts.

3. Both knees were a little tight (quads just above the knees were tender). Ran very little this past week. Also, breaking in the NIKE FREES by using them during my workouts and recovery walking....but NO running yet. So far NO foot issues! My hard cardio is twice M,F spinning.

4. Back is fine...just a couple of sore spots on Sunday...will be gone by tomorrow.

5. Biggest concern now: sinuses have been the worst in a year. Finally broke down and am using Flonase (starting with 2 puffs 2x a day, and 24 hour OTC antihistimine plus the saline rinse. Will try this for a week. Nothing has changed in my diet or fitness routine....but inflammation in the sinuses is really aweful. Couldn't breath at all through my nose last night. Can't smell except the occasional wiff of gasoline or similar. First time for antihistimine in over 3 years.....

Next week is the last week of phase 6. I'm going to cut the lifting down to two none-consecutive days. Monday: Spinning am Chest back/core pm; Tuesday: Recovery; Wednesday: Legs AM include some running after; Thursday: Recovery; Friday: Spinning only. Saturday: Recovery; Sunday rest...superbowl!

Now I have to decide whether to add some complex lifts or go straight to plyometrics prior to golf season. I've been training hard since October so my body is starting to ask for some serious downtime.

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